How to find the tenant you want when renting out your property

Helles Esszimmer

The demand for living space for rent also exceeds the supply in Aachen. So if you want to rent out your property, your chances of attracting a lot of interest are very good. However, a large number of potential tenants is no guarantee that you will find exactly the tenant you are looking for.

If you don't have any experience as a landlord, you also don't know that a simple advertisement can be your undoing - for example, because it lacks important, legally required information. As an experienced real estate agent for Aachen, John Doe Real Estate will save you a lot of time, money and, above all, nerves when looking for tenants.

This is why you should hire an estate agent for the letting of your property

Eliminate the risk of renting your property incorrectly by choosing an expert agent who knows the Aachen market well and has the necessary professionalism.

  • What do you have to take into account regarding the amount of rent and the property advertisement?

The rent you ask for must be based on the local rent index. As local real estate agents, we know exactly which surcharges and discounts are possible for furnishings, location and energy consumption values. In the long term, you will benefit from our professional expertise with a rent that is in line with the market and still profitable. The same applies to your property advertisement: it must contain a number of legally required details - for example, an exact living space calculation and energy consumption values. We will fill in any missing information for you.

  • How much time do I have to allow for finding a tenant?

If you are not planning specifically, very, very much so. We will always advise you to clearly delimit your preferred group of tenants already in the exposé and to use the channels preferred by this clientele when marketing. Otherwise you risk long queues at your door. We coordinate and organise viewing appointments with potential tenants in such a way that they can take place effectively and without further expenditure of time for you.

  • What should I look for when choosing my future tenant?

Sympathy is a fine thing in human interaction - but it should never be the deciding factor when choosing your future tenant. Mustermann Immobilien will therefore carefully check the creditworthiness of your preferred candidate. As a matter of principle, we will also obtain a credit report in order to give you the certainty that the sympathetic applicant will in all likelihood also pay his rent on time.

Familie Umzug Wohnbereich

  • What are the pitfalls of a tenancy agreement?

The biggest risk of a tenancy agreement that you download from the internet, for example, is that it is out of date. Jurisprudence in rental matters is in a constant state of flux - with the result that many clauses in old contracts are invalid. In the worst case, the tenant can later claim damages and/or reduce the rent.

John Doe Real Estate only uses the currently valid forms and thus saves you from unpleasant surprises.

  • Can an estate agent help me with the handover of the flat?

One of our elementary tasks is to draw up a careful, almost meticulous, handover protocol for the flat. In it, the condition and furnishings of all rooms are precisely recorded, any defects documented or meter readings noted.

We are committed to a tenancy that you desire

A pleasant, long-term tenancy gives you as the property owner no less a good feeling than your satisfied tenant.

John Doe Real Estate is happy to help you find the tenant you want. We are committed to this with empathy and expertise. Simply give us a call without obligation if you would like to rent out your property.


Renting out real estate - with or without an estate agent?

"I'll save myself the estate agent's commission and do it myself." This is the thought that most owners have as soon as they want to rent out their flat or house. Certainly, renting on your own saves money, but it is not for free either. Both the advertisement and the viewing appointments including the journey cost money, time and nerves. If you are happy with all this, renting on your own is the right choice for you. In all other cases, you should invest in an estate agent. They will not only coordinate communication with the client and be there for you, but with their experience and professionalism they will also ensure a smooth and efficient letting process.

When is it worth renting out a private property?

More than a half of all rental properties in Germany are privately owned. Many investors take out a loan and enter the real estate market with a property, but in many cases the investment is only worthwhile to a limited extent. In contrast to the large housing associations, a good relationship is more important to most owners than profitable rental income. They often shy away from tenant changes or rent increases and thus miss good opportunities for rent increases. Maintenance costs or loan instalments ensure that a lot of work is done for a comparatively low return. With a real estate expert at your side, the property rental business is nevertheless worthwhile. The professional marketing and wide reach of an agent lead to more demand and more profitable rental prices. You also don't have to be afraid of changing tenants and adjusting the rent thanks to expert support. So you get more out of your property with less effort.

Selling a condominium or renting it out? What is better?

Both renting and selling condominiums offer advantages and disadvantages. Which option is best for you always depends on the individual case. Especially when you are young, it pays to rent out your property. Unlike many other investment options, real estate is less exposed to inflation due to the ever-increasing demand for housing and is suitable as a stable source of income with a future. In old age or when one's own financial situation is strained, it is advisable to think about selling. Due to loss of rent, change of occupants, maintenance or renovation work, not only money but also time has to be invested again and again. Those who lack the latter or want more financial freedom should therefore release the tied-up capital and take advantage of the good market situation for a sale.

What are the components of the rent?

The full amount of rent is made up of three factors:

Base rent – this is the cost for the actual use of the living space.

Operating costs – this includes all costs paid by the landlord for the operation of the living space. These are, for example, the costs for waste disposal or water supply.

Heating and hot water costs – The costs for heating and hot water are added to the two points mentioned above. Together, the three factors make up the total rent.

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